Do you want to advertise your business on Blackpool LAD?
In the last 90 days we’ve reached over 3 million newsfeeds with our Blackpool LAD brand.

With those kinds of numbers looking at us we decided it was time to step up a gear and start driving that traffic toward our own website where we can give our users a truly local – online Blackpool LAD experience like social media can’t deliver.
With and social network – there are costs involved and we need help from advertisers to meet those costs and grow the company so we can deliver our own unique online content to attrqact even more people to our already popular brand.
From as little as £3 a week we can help your business to be seen by more local people online and we can design advertising campaigns to suit your needs. We can also design content with your sponsorship in mind – and we can help you to hook up with other local content creators for collaborations and even more exposure.
We’re also interested to hear from businesses who offer an affiliate link service or who would be interested in us acting as agent for the sale of your products or services to our audience for commission. If you would like to know more please email